Ahmadinejad's Speech: Another Reason To Get Out Of The UN


From “The Middle East Quarterly

“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lectures above a sign saying ‘Death to Israel’ in Persian and Arabic, not “Down with Israel” as in the English translation below. Ahmadinejad has also declared in Persian that Iran will ‘wipe Israel off the map.’ University of Michigan’s Juan Cole argued that the phrase was a mistranslation and that Ahmadinejad did not have genocidal intent.”

Come on y’all when are we going to kick the UN out of the US? Why do we allow this man to enter our country, a lying tyrant, who aids our enemies, who is responsible for killing our soldiers, and who puts innocent people in jail. This despicable excuse for a human being is given a forum in our own country, a forum to spread lies and deceit. The majority of his speech is aimed at America, while his country continues to help spread Islamofacisim throughout the world and violates human rights on a daily basis.

There are countless human rights abuses consisting of arrest and concealment of political prisoners by the Iranian government. Flogging, amputation and eye gouging are all forms of punishment used in Iran.

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website posted an article titled “What Iranian Leaders Really Say About Doing Away with Israel”. The article confirms our already known antipathy that Iran’s theocracy has towards Israel and the Jews. According to this article Ahmadinejad “punctuates his speech with “Death to Israel” (marg bar Esraiil). Further in a speech in February 2008 he referred to the “Zionist regime”, as “a black and filthy microbe”. Iran’s “Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei”, stated; “the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.” In the article Michael Axworthy, who served as the Head of the Iran Section of Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, refers to military parades that have missiles covered with the slogan “Israel must be wiped off the map.”

The article states, “There is an ample legal basis for the prosecution of Ahmadinejad in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court for direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity.” What can be more hypocritical when Ahmadinejad said in his speech to the UN in 2006, “Today, humanity passionately craves commitment to the Truth, devotion to God, quest for Justice and respect for the dignity of human beings.”

Yet the whole world remains silent and everyone hearing his most recent speech to the UN should have walked out. In fact they should have walked out before he even started speaking!

In a speech to a conference titled “The World Without Zionism” held in Tehran in October, 2005 Ahmadinejad said, “Our dear Imam (Khomeini) ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement.” He also said, “So this stain of disgrace will be cleaned from the garment of the world of Islam, and this is attainable.”

Anti-Israeli Rally

Other posters carried at a 2008 conference were written in English and Arabic. The English caption said, “Down with Israel” the Arabic caption said “Death to Israel.”

It is appalling when Ahmadinejad’s references to the destruction of Israel are relegated to he really doesn’t mean it. As Professor Stephen Walt, who served as academic dean of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government said to a Jerusalem audience in July of 2008, “I don’t think he is inciting to genocide.”

The highest-ranking political authority in Iran is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who at a meeting with the organizers of the International Conference for Support of the Intifada, said, “The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region.” Further one of his major spokespersons, Hossein Shariatmadari, stated in a speech in October, 2007: “‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ are not only words written on paper but rather a symbolic approach that reflects the desire of all the Muslim nations.”

Yet our own government disputes Ahmadinejad’s intent by adopting into the Congressional Record that “the Iranian president was only seeking a change of regime in Israel and not the physical elimination of the country.” It was passed with a vote of 411 to 2.

Wouldn’t it make sense for Ahmadinejad to publically and categorically state that he is NOT in favor of destroying Israel? Since he is not why should anyone believe otherwise?

Why should he be allowed to come to our soil, to speak to the whole world through the United Nations? Lying tyrants like Ahmadinejad and his ilk should be refused entry into our country. Even better kick out the UN altogether. You do know that these people laugh at us, they would never allow anyone with opposing views, especially Jews, or Christians speak in their country.

So just what did Ahmadinejad say when he addressed the UN on 23 September? You can read the entire speech here. Below is a synopsis of his disinformation.

He spoke of “global issues, and the need to introduce fundamental changes in the current international order.” He spoke of “Showing compassion to others, generosity, justice-seeking, and having integrity both in words and in deeds.” The hypocrisy here is astonishing. Is he a lunatic or just a liar? Iran certainly does not show compassion, generosity or seek justice the way we know it. And in his actions and words that follow one will conclude he has no integrity.

A case in point is the two jailed Americans who were sentenced to eight years in prison for spying when they unknowingly crossed into Iran. The two Americans Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer said the charges against them were a “total sham” with “ridiculous lies that depicted us as being involved in an elaborate American-Israeli conspiracy to undermine Iran.” They were released a few days ago after the country of Oman paid a bail (I prefer to call it a ransom) of one million dollars. Of course Ahmadinejad said it was a humanitarian gesture. But somehow it doesn’t fit with “justice-seeking, and having integrity both in words and in deeds.”

He said, “I would like to draw your kind attention to the following questions:” and goes on to list questions which pointedly are directed at the United States accusing us of:

Abducting “tens of millions of people from…Africa”

Occupying “lands and massively” plundering resources of “other lands”

Imposing “colonialism for over four centuries upon this world” and “through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over sixty years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region.

Triggering the “first and second world wars…”

Using a “nuclear bomb against defenseless people…”

“Waging wars and selling arms,” to support our economy.

Provoking “Saddam Hussein to invade and impose an eight-year war on Iran…”

Being responsible for the “world economic recession…”

“Always ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries…”while we “hesitate to provide aid to famine-stricken people…”

He accuses us of supporting racism, “imposing” our “lifestyle and beliefs on others.” “Sowing seeds of hate and hostility among nations…” “Hypocrisy and deceit are allowed…”

He refers to the “hidden elements involved in September 11 incident” and suggests the “majority in the United States believe there are “hidden elements”.

And about the death of Osama bin Laden he said: “Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea. Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trail the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?”

And towards the end of all of this unsubstantiated, lying, rhetoric he says, “There exist tens of other similar questions. Of course, the answers are clear.” Yes we know he is talking about the United States. My questions are:

What country sends billions of its dollars too much of the world?

What country immediately sends aid to earthquake, tsunami, and flood ridden, victims around the world?

What country supports peace and does not want to impose a theocracy around the world.

What country promotes equal rights for its citizens?

What country does not unjustly and cruelly punish its citizens with amputations, political arrest and eye gouging?

What country was founded on truth and justice?

What country’s leader would never spew the hatred of another?

In Ahmadinejad’s words, “There exist tens of other similar questions. Of course, the answers are clear.” And in my words:

That country is NOT Iran.


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