Rep. Duncan Hunter: Salute Your Veterans

Today on Secure Freedom Radio: What can all Americans do to thank veterans for their service to our country? Representative for California’s 52nd district and the first Marine combat veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to be elected to the House of Representatives, Duncan Hunter continues Secure Freedom Radio’s tribute to U.S. veterans. He expresses his personal views on the importance of our men and women in uniform.

Rep. Hunter states that they best thing we can do for our military personnel is to simply tell them “thank you.” Do we, as a nation, have a connection to our all-volunteer force or are we losing our sense of respect for those in combat? Rep. Hunter highlights a growing concern that civilians and military personnel no longer have a tangible relationship. Moreover, does the security of the whole world rely on the US economy or does the international economy depend on the national security of the US?

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