Boeing receives Apache remanufacturing contract for UK

May 12 (UPI) — Boeing was awarded a $488 million contract remanufacturing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters for the United Kingdom, the Department of Defense announced Thursday. The deal falls under the Foreign Military Sales program.

The AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, more than 2,200 of which have been built, is an advanced U.S. Army model that has been exported across the world. The Apache has also seen extensive service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The helicopter features armor, advanced targeting systems, and can carry a large variety of weapons that includes Hellfire missiles, unguided rockets, and air-to-air-missiles. It also has a rotating 30 millimeter cannon that can fire armor-piercing and high-explosive anti-personnel ammunition.

The Longbow variant includes fire control radar, reconnaissance sensors, radar frequency interferometer and advanced upgrades to cockpit systems. It’s cockpit is designed to be survive hits from up to 23 millimeter anti-aircraft rounds.

The contract includes AH-64 helicopters, along with 3 crews of trainers for the Longbow variant and spare parts. The work is set to be completed in Mesa, Ariz., by May 2024.


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