Terrorism Critics Admonished by Obama Security Advisor


Three terror attacks on U.S. soil in their first year and the Obama administration dares lecture us?

It takes a special kind of arrogance to lecture the American people about terrorism. Especially when in the past year, your administration has allowed three al Qaeda-related terrorists to carry out attacks on U.S. soil.

But that’s what the Obama administration has done with Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan’s op-ed in today’s USA Today entitled We Need No Lectures.

Brennan even goes so far as to accuse critics of the Obama administration of aiding al Qaeda.

Brennan boasts of the Obama administration’s successes against global terrorism:

This administration’s efforts have disrupted dozens of terrorist plots against the homeland and been responsible for killing and capturing hundreds of hard-core terrorists, including senior leaders in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and beyond — far more than in 2008. We need no lectures about the fact that this nation is at war.

Brennan fails to mention the two successful attacks on the Little Rock recruiting center that killed one soldier and wounded another, and at Fort Hood that killed twelve soldiers, a civilian and a babe in the womb, and leaving wounded another thirty-eight people.

Brennan writes about the Christmas Day bombing attack on Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit but neglects to mention it failed because of a combination of passengers’ intervention and the terrorist’s own incompetence.

Brennan accuses Obama’s critics in harsh terms:

Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda.

Brennan mocks the public’s concerns about the administration’s commitment to protecting the homefront, using a schoolyard taunt:

Terrorists are not 100-feet tall.

No, they’re not. But they have been known to drive trucks laden with explosives; hijack airliners, using them as missiles to murder thousands; and shooting up military installations — all on American soil.

The Obama administration, by its own words and deeds, has set itself up for the soft-on-terrorism charge that Brennan attempts to rebut in his op-ed. Its record of three failures to stop attacks on the homeland during their first year follows the Bush Administration’s unbroken record of seven years without attack after 2001. It is a damning indictment that Brennan and the Obama administration are not getting the job done.

Terrorists may not be 100 feet tall, but they are kicking Obama around on American soil like he’s two feet tall.

The nasty, condescending attitude Brennan projects on behalf of Barack Obama toward the American people is a perfect illustration of what Sarah Palin pointed out this past weekend when she said Obama’s attitude is “sit down and shut up.”

With Obama’s record of failure to keep the country safe, it is Obama and his advisors who need to “sit down and shut up”. And get about the business of protecting us instead of defending their failures by offending Americans.


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