Tribune's Oscar Avila Plays Stupid With The Tea Party

Over the weekend, Tribune Corp’s Oscar Avila played stupid in his coverage of the Chicago Tea Party:

One year ago at a downtown Chicago tea party rally, a confrontation between a television reporter and activists crystallized the emotions surrounding the movement that so loudly opposed health care reform as an unwelcome expansion of government.

In a video widely circulated online, many at the rally felt a CNN reporter was arrogantly dismissing what they consider valid fears of runaway spending and taxes when she focused on the most inflammatory signs. Some of those signs said President Barack Obama’s policies are socialism and one alleged that he is a fascist.

But when protester Kathy Barkulis, of Deer Park, asked the reporter if she was “playing stupid,” it confirmed the image among others that the tea party movement is indeed inflaming the public debate with angry rhetoric.

Wow. That is selective stupidity, and willful ignorance. Conveniently for Oscar and his Tribune bosses, they have not yet discovered how to link to or embed video in their posts. If they were educated as to the steps necessary to show their readers the video referenced in their own article, readers would surly notice a disconnect in the characterization written above.

Let’s go to the tape:

[youtube Dd2tg8gxCDU nolink]

So……..Kathy Barkulis is to blame for making Liberals think the Tea Party movement is inflammatory? Funny how Oscar failed to mention that CNN’s Susan Roesgen verbally attacked a man holding a two year old, and was subsequently released from her position at the Democrat media organ.

Oscar, do your job. Not the White House’s.

You can let Oscar know how you feel by emailing him here, Oscar Avila. As always, be civil.


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