Mitch Daniels, President of the United States?

Not likely if he continues to squash freedom in the form of Indiana’s Right To Work law.

Governor Daniels is in an enviable position sitting atop two strong Republican legislative majorities after the numerous 2010 Tea Party victories in his state. The Republicans control the state House and state Senate with solid majorities. A similar situation could await the next U.S. President in 2013. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask how the next president might handle these potential majorities.

Unfortunately for Hoosiers and Daniels’s presidential aspirations, it appears that the Governor would rather bend to the will of union bosses than bring the reform Indiana needs.

  • By passing a Right To Work law, workers in Indiana have the opportunity to breathe the same free air that workers in 22 states enjoy. This law simply allows individuals the freedom to choose to join or not join or pay fees to union without being denied or losing a job.
  • Indiana is encircled by several forced unionism states suffering from high unemployment, and it could become the release valve for many employers and workers in Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio.
  • Illinois recently increased taxes 66%; therefore, Illinois businesses and families are looking for are place to relocate.
  • Most important though is the basic freedom that a Right To Work law will bring to Hoosiers, even 80% of union members prefer the Right To Work over forced unionism.

The rise of the Tea Party movement illustrates that people are looking for political leaders who will forcibly address issues and stand on principle.

Yet, according news reports, Gov. Daniels is trying to avoid a decision and even a debate on freedom that influences every worker and business in Indiana. This is not leadership.

On the other hand, should Gov. Daniels embrace Right To Work legislation that provides all Hoosiers the right to choose or not to choose to pay into a union, and then he could easily ride a wave of success and become the Republican Presidential Nominee to beat.

Should Gov. Daniels sign the 23rd state Right To Work law, he will be able to bounce back-and-forth from appearances in early presidential primary Right To Work states like Iowa and South Carolina to ribbon cutting ceremonies for new businesses in Indiana boasting of rising employment numbers and a more stabilized state budget.

Gov. Daniels will be able to say that he fought the Democrat party’s most fierce ally, Big Labor, and he won it for Hoosiers and that he will stand up for all Americans as well.

Or Gov. Daniels can let the golden opportunity for the citizens and businesses of Indiana, as well as for himself, slip through his hands in attempt to avoid Big Labor attacks – attacks that will come against any Republican presidential nominee regardless of their mollycoddling.

Unfortunately, it appears that Gov. Daniels has chosen to make the Right To Work issue his Waterloo rather than his San Juan Hill. (to contact Gov. Mitch Daniels click here)


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