Palin: Amnesty Losing Issue for GOP

Palin: Amnesty Losing Issue for GOP

At CPAC on Saturday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah warned the GOP establishment that amnesty is a losing issue for the party along with increased taxes and more debt. 

Palin said that the “Democrats agenda is a lost cause” and President Barack Obama knows that he is losing on the “deep issue of our time,” which is the “oppressive stagnation facing the middle class.”

She said that is why Obama baits the GOP establishment, to hide his agenda of failure and “fiasco on steroids.” 

“America is counting on the GOP to get it right,” Palin said. “And that’s why the establishment can’t blow it.”

She said that no Republican gets elected “promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, increased debt, bigger government and rewarding lawbreakers via amnesty.”  

A recent national Washington Post-ABC News survey found that a plurality of Americans would actually not vote for candidates who support amnesty

“Why are they voting for these things now?” Palin asked. “And why reward them with your votes.” 

Palin said that when the country is getting destroyed, it is not enough to just “lay low” on issues like Obamacare and the debt like the GOP establishment has suggested. She thanked Texas for putting Congress on “Cruz control” and asked voters to send conservatives like Cruz, Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) and Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trey Gowdy (R-SC), and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) some reinforcements. 

She blasted the GOP establishment, telling the “Beltway boys,” of the historic 2010 election and subsequent House majority: “You didn’t build that. The Tea Party did.” 


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