Immigration Group Announces Robocalls 'Thanking' Cantor, Graham for Supporting Amnesty

Immigration Group Announces Robocalls 'Thanking' Cantor, Graham for Supporting Amnesty

An anti-amnesty group announced plans Thursday to send robocalls and run radio ads sarcastically thanking House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham for “supporting amnesty for undocumented, illegal immigrants.”

“Remember that when you vote next Tuesday that a vote for Eric Cantor or Senator Graham is a vote for amnesty for undocumented immigrants,” the commercial audio from Americans for Legal Immigration PAC says. “Remember that a vote for Cantor or Graham is a vote for tens of millions of illegal immigrants to get amnesty, jobs, welfare payments, and a vote with or against you in future elections.”

“Remember who to thank for amnesty. Thank Eric Cantor and Lindsey Graham,” the audio adds.

William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, told Breitbart News that the automated calls will reach 26,000 Republican households in Eric Cantor’s district and 96,000 Republican households in South Carolina. 

He explained in an email that the calls and social media push has already started and are “in full swing at this very moment.” 

Gheen would not reveal, however, how much money the group is spending on the ads for “strategic reasons” and noted that the ALIPAC has yet to select stations on which the ads will run. He added that the group hopes to have the ads running on radio by tomorrow. 

The ad campaign comes as Cantor attempts to paint himself as a staunch opponent of amnesty, sending out mailers in recent weeks declaring him to be a “conservative Republican” who is “stopping the Obama Reid Plan to give illegal aliens amnesty.”

“We want all of the voters of Virginia and South Carolina to thank Congressman Cantor and Senator Graham on Election Day for supporting immigration reform amnesty!” Gheen said in a statement. “Graham and Cantor have proven that they will bring tens of millions of undocumented workers, students, and voters out of the shadows by changing our existing laws to accommodate them and those that employ them!”

Graham is heavily favored in his June 10 primary against multiple primary challengers. Cantor is facing a primary challenge from Randolph Macon College professor David Brat, who has received the backing of conservatives like Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter.


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