Heilemann: Clinton ‘Egregious Flaunting’ of Ethics on Obama Agreement ‘Ridiculous’

Friday on Bloomberg TV’s “With All Due Respect,” hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann agreed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a very bad week because of the most recent allegations of wrongdoings involving foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

“This story in the Boston Globe about the Clintons — the health care initiative, which for four years did not disclose any foreign donors or any amounts of the donations,” Heilemann said. “It is the most egregious flaunting of the agreement they made with the Obama administration when she took the job that I have seen. I think it is really quite ridiculous and burning a knot with not just the elites. We are seeing poll after poll that shows American voters across the spectrum, especially independents voters, see her as untrustworthy, which is a huge problem for her getting elected.”

“There is a new poll today that suggests people are not excited about her candidacy,” Halperin added. “People want to hear other voices. They don’t just want a coronation.”

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