Poll: Third of Voters Oppose Impeachment Because They Fear It Will ‘Backfire’ on Dems

A protester holds up a sign in favor of impeachment outside the U.S. Capitol building on T
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP/Getty Images

More than a third of voters are opposed to impeaching President Donald Trump because they think the impeachment process will ultimately backfire on Democrats, according to a YouGov Blue/Progressive Change Institute poll released on Wednesday.

According to a Roll Call report, the poll found that “among those opposed to the impeachment inquiry, 35 percent believe Trump committed high crimes and misdemeanors but think impeachment will hurt Democrats politically.”

The poll, which has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percentage points, also reportedly found that 49 percent of registered voters support impeachment compared to 43 percent who oppose.

Stephanie Taylor, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Institute, said the “poll reveals that many who supposedly oppose impeachment actually agree with Democrats and are just scared about the politics.”

More moderate Democrats—and their preferred strategists—have warned the party that Trump’s ability to frame the narrative and dominate the news cycle could pose many problems for a party that seems to lack effective politicians who can make coherent and persuasive arguments to a national audience on impeachment.

Left-wing activists who are advising Democrats to ignore the “false narratives” that some pundits and talking heads are pushing have been arguing that that Democrats will be hurt even more in 2020 if they do not impeach Trump because, as presidential candidate Julian Castro said, Trump will argue on the stump that he received a “clean bill of political health.”


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