Napolitano: Gun Ownership About Defending Ourselves from Tyrannical Government
Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Second Amendment protects gun rights so Americans can use those very guns to defend themselves from criminals and their own government.
Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Second Amendment protects gun rights so Americans can use those very guns to defend themselves from criminals and their own government.
Venezuelans from all walks of life lament their nation’s six-year-old gun ban and say the prohibition against being armed allows their government to dominate them.
Parkland shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv schooled classmate Cameron Kasky on the Second Amendment’s threat to tyranny.
When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 the phrase, “well regulated militia,” underlined the importance of the words, “shall not be infringed.”
As we watch freedom-starved Iranians stand against an extremist regime bent on retaining power it is a safe bet that Iran’s rank and file would benefit from a Second Amendment.
In a March 21 Vanity Fair column, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes suggests Second Amendment defenders have contributed to an “arms race” because of citizens and law enforcement.
In explaining his defense of the Second Amendment, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stresses that “the right to keep and bear arms protects all our other rights.”
On September 14, Salon ran a column attempting to discredit numerous aspects of America’s gun heritage, especially the contention that our Founding Fathers intended an armed citizenry to be a check against a tyrannical government.