Looking Back At TeaCon 2011

I’ve finally made it home from TeaCon 2011, where I spoke yesterday morning and fellowshipped with hundreds of conservative activists. It was a great event all around, organized by WIND 560 (amazing hospitality; I broadcasted the DLRS from their studios on Friday), the Illinois Tea Party, and the Chicago Tea Party.

Some photos and video from the event:

Chris Loesch photo

Cain’s post-speech press conference:

I’ve more video here:

Cain Unplugged: ‘I Still Worship In The Hood’

Cain On Romney: ‘Great Hair’

Cain At TeaCon: ‘I Have No Idea Why Other Candidates Aren’t Here’

Unfortunately, Cain was unprepared for his appearance on “This Week” following his showing at TeaCon.

After three years of hateful smear attacks from Janeane Garofalo, Andrew Breitbart hit back.

[youtube 6URpHh4iuJE nolink]

From my speech Saturday morning:

Chris Loesch photo

Chris Loesch photo

Singer-songwriter Jon David Khan performed three songs including his hit “American Heart” which Sarah Palin quickly claimed as a favorite after its release.

Beck was the Saturday evening keynote and spoke to what I’ve long believed to be the cause of big government: apathy towards your fellow man. Big government occurs when man abandons his neighbor of his own free will and gives over charity to government.

Michele Bachmann briefly joined the conference via Skype. Cain won the TeaCon straw poll with 77% of the vote; Obama beat Huntsman and Johnson with .2% of the vote. From WIND:

Herman Cain decisively won the first-ever TeaCon Midwest 2011 Straw Poll with 77.5% of the total votes. Here are the complete results:

10. Johnson 0%

10. Hunstman 0%

8. Obama 0.2%

7. Santorum 1.4%

6. Paul 1.8%

5. Romney 2.6%

4. Perry 3%

3. Gingrich 3.8%

2. Bachmann 9.4%

1. Cain 77.5%

TeaCon Midwest was the inaugural gathering a Tea Party members and like-minded conservatives from around the Midwest. The two-day event was held in Schaumburg, IL at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center and was presented by AM 560 WIND in cooperation with the Chicago Tea Party and the Illinois Tea Party. Nearly 700 attendees participated in the event, traveling from throughout theMidwest. Presenters at the event included Andrew Breitbart, Steve Crowder, Dana Loesch, Guy Benson, and Glenn Beck. Four hundred and eighty-nine votes were cast in the straw poll.

The Rockford Tea Party (you may remember how they chased the Wisconsin “fleebaggers” all around town) put together this video of various tea party organizers and outspoken conservatives discussing their thoughts on the Constitution:

[youtube c9R_4V-63nQ nolink]

Gateway Pundit and Rebel Pundit talked to some communist protesters outside.

Adam Sharp captured this funny video of a gentleman’s encounter with a protester.

Steven Crowder entertained the audience on Friday night with his hilarious political irreverence.

[youtube CSc-VxL_eWo nolink]

Ed Morrissey has more. I met him for the second time on Saturday and his lovely wife for the first.

The Saturday panels were packed. Discussions ranged from how to take back culture, conservatives in arts and entertainment, help for tea party organizers from veteran organizers, and much, much more. The organizers indicated that this would be an annual event — and could easily be so.

After this wonderful weekend, I’m gearing up for another. My home station will play host to Sarah Palin and Beck on Friday; I’ll be introducing Palin and asking questions.


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