Adrian Peterson's Formerly 'Secret' Two-Year-Old Son Dies After Beating from Mother's Boyfriend

Adrian Peterson's Formerly 'Secret' Two-Year-Old Son Dies After Beating from Mother's Boyfriend

Adrian Peterson’s two-year-old son reportedly died on Friday after he was reportedly beaten by his mother’s boyfriend.

According to a report:

Police in South Dakota confirmed to Chip Scoggins of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that the 2-year-old boy died, days after he was allegedly beaten by his mother’s boyfriend. Robert Joseph Patterson was arrested on charges of aggravated battery of an infant and aggravated assault, and the state’s attorney is now reviewing the matter for possible additional charges.

The child who died was not Adrian Peterson, Jr., with whom Peterson has been photographed. Peterson’s father described the now deceased child as a grandson. The fact that Peterson may have had another son had previously not been disclosed. 


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