Atlantic's Molly Ball: Biden Attacking Hillary the Same Way Obama Had in 2008

Atlantic's Molly Ball: Biden Attacking Hillary the Same Way Obama Had in 2008

On CNN’s “New Day” on Monday, the Atlantic’s Molly Ball explained why an attack levied by Vice President Joe Biden aimed at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in South Carolina is significant and could be a tell-tale sign of what’s to come in a potential Biden-Clinton Democratic nomination match-up.

“Well, it’s funny because this is sort of the case that then-Sen. Barack Obama made back in ’08,” Ball said. “You had this case that, you know, we all remember the ‘90s – peace and prosperity. They actually weren’t so great – this sort of economic unraveling began. Biden in public settings makes the same sort of argument for the blue collar economic populist strain. But it does give it a potential opening as he see it, I think. And the problem for him is that it is a hard case to make when he has been part of the Obama administration and that’s the economic record he’s going to have.”

(h/t RNC Research)

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