Chris Mortensen

Articles by Chris Mortensen

New Ayn Rand Documentary Wrapping Month-Long Tour

The feature-length documentary “Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of ‘Atlas Shrugged‘” is currently in its final week of a month-long limited national theater run, having to date played to enthusiastic audiences in upwards of 75 cities, including New York, Washington,

PROOFED ED: New Ayn Rand Documentary Wrapping Month-Long Tour

The feature-length documentary “Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of ‘Atlas Shrugged‘” is currently in its third week of a month-long limited national theater run, having to date played to enthusiastic audiences in upwards of 75 cities, including New York, Washington,

Introducing: 'The Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged'

In October 1957, author & philosopher Ayn Rand published her last and most ambitious novel. Atlas Shrugged was destined be one of the most popular, influential and controversial books of the twentieth century. Set in what Rand called ‘the day