Longtime ACORN Ally Bob Casey Stands By His Favorite Group

The Senate overwhelmingly approved a legislative amendment Monday that would block ACORN from receiving federal funding. ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the ongoing criminal conspiracy that the mainstream media is suddenly interested in.

In the Monday roll call, only seven senators voted no.

Of the seven pro-ACORN senators, longtime Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania) is the most outspoken supporter of ACORN.

[youtube cLCSnbN1lRI nolink]

Of the group that organizes forcible entry and occupation of homes in order to lead proletarian revolution against capitalism, Casey is shown saying on an ACORN promotional video (just after 5:00):

So for ACORN to step into that breach and say, we in the case of ACORN will step in and try to help families, to be their advocate, to be their voice, is critically important. Because as important as it is here in Washington to pass legislation in the House and the Senate -that’s obviously important- but we cannot do this alone.

CQ‘s Bill Pascoe thinks Casey might have just committed political suicide by voting to continue federal funding of ACORN.


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