The Socialists Won A Battle; Now It is Our Turn

Yesterday was my son’s 9th birthday and for his present, the government jacked his future. As he sat in the floor and happily opened his gifts, Bart Stupak appeared on television and revealed that he’d sold his soul. The joy was sucked from the room, but my son didn’t notice – thank God for innocence. The faces of the adults in the room fell as Stupak held his presser, as Pelosi gained another YES vote for health control.

The scene was an eerie replay for me; eight-and-a-half years ago that same boy sat in his bouncy seat while cooing and kicking his legs as his father and I watched the twin towers crumble to dust on live television. The feeling was the same.

A lot of people ask why I and others do what we do.

The scene I just described is my answer.

Last night the Democrat party died as it drove a spear through the torso of the Constitution and passed legislation that the majority of Americans overwhelmingly opposed. Nancy Pelosi sauntered into the capitol surrounded by fellow socialists, carrying the gavel used in 1965 to pass the now-bankrupt Medicare.

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All summer long Americans filled town halls, emailed, called, and faxed their lawmakers, and they were forsaken. They were called Nazis, racists, homophobes; they were threatened, beaten, and called stupid because they disagreed with the minority who feels that the government should run our lives. Our lawmakers unofficially stopped representing us last spring.

Last night, our legislators officially broke the contract with America that is the Constitution. Last night, they ceased to represent us. Last night, a new party was born; the malignant tumor that is the progressive caucus consumed the Democrat party from within and gave birth to the mainstream Socialist Party.

We have lost our right to determine our own care. Our businesses, the engine of our economy, will see an additional annual $52 billion in new taxes levied upon them. The HHS has determined premium caps which will force the cruelty of rationing to curtail costs from the fed to insurers, and down to our medical professionals. The IRS will now oversee health control and determine whether you are compliant:

A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill being taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this weekend, according to Brady.

“When most people think of health care reform they think of more doctors exams, not more IRS exams,” says U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. “Isn’t the federal government already intruding enough into our lives? We need thousands of new doctors and nurses in America, not thousands more IRS agents.”

Democrats Socialists employed the fuzziest of math which the CBO confirmed with a ball-busting report on its true cost.

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They rallied that “people have a right to health care,” which no one disputes: people have a right to health care but they do not have a right to another’s living. Socialists employed all sorts of dirty tricks, back room deals (a NASA admin job?), and intimidation. They twisted arms and convinced men of lesser character to compromise on their principles. They ignored their electorate. This legislation rotted in congress since summer because of the massive opposition from the American people.

At one point during last night’s debate, John Boehner was rebuked for giving the Socialists hell when reminded to “show dignity to the House.”

There is no dignity left in a House run by political prostitutes.

Nancy Pelosi, Lynn Woolsey, and other Socialist party members tried to play the sex card and exploit women by saying that they were ill-served in this current system. If they think that I and other strong women are as stupid as those within the Socialist party that ironically defend the likes of Bill Clinton, John Edwards, et al. then they’re bigger tools for the old, white patriarchy than I originally thought.

How dare these women sell out their own sex and presume to speak for all women. How dare these “feminists” devalue women as nothing more than victims so as to win support for a bill that invites the IRS and president-appointed medical board into their wombs and doctors’ exam rooms. My body my choice except when you want people to foot the bill for you, right? I believe Heidi Fleiss was arrested for no lesser action.

The Constitution and a 200-year-old understanding that a republic is governed by its people has been shredded with the passage of this bill. The Socialists are emboldened now; they will next come for our children under the guise of “education reform.” They will then come after our energy via cap-and-tax. They will continue to push and bust through every legal barrier we have of protecting our Founding Father’s intent until that shining city on a hill is a barren wasteland.

They have been crafting this plot for over 50 years.

We just woke up one year ago last month.

The future of our republic depends upon us making up lost time.

We lost this battle, not because we didn’t fight, not because we were silent, but because the Socialists in congress don’t care about us or our will.

This battle. There are many battles in a war. We have faced worse, patriots. We have, many times, faced what appeared to be unwinnable situations.

My grandfather served as a gunner aboard the USS Alabama in the Pacific theater during WWII. He spoke of how demoralized our country was after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and took out our entire Pacific fleet.

I thought about how God delivered the Israelites from Egypt.

I thought about how this country rallied the dawn after 9-11 when I woke up and saw flags hanging from the ticky-tacky houses all up and down my street.

I thought of how Great Britain, rallied by Winston Churchill, fought off the German invasion.

Or how Ulysses S. Grant pressed on after his first lost.

How many men and women have shed blood for this country? How many patriots took to the streets to defend this country blessed by God? Don’t you dare give up, patriots. Don’t you dare make their sacrifices in vain because you’re afraid of battle. Take no prisoners, suffer no fools, never surrender.

What – you thought you get this land scott-free? Liberty is never fully paid off and to be deserving of it one must be willing to fight for it on the battlefield, in the halls of congress, by involving yourselves in your communities. Such a struggle is not a burden, it is a privilege.

How bad do you want liberty? I’ve received several emails from folks who’ve said that they’re ready to move, to leave the country, and give up. I received an email the other day from a woman named Melanie who confessed that she just “doesn’t have time to get involved.” During a conversation about precinct captains with a gentleman at a recent protest, I was told that the commitment “sounds like too much time.”

My reply:

Get out.

Get out of my country any freeloader who possesses such an attitude, you betrayers of conservatism, of liberty. How dare you claim the belief of self-sustenance and individualism while warming your hands by another patriot’s fire, living off the fat of another patriot’s blood, sweat, and tears. As I said on my radio program last week: any one who dares call themselves a patriot and refuses to commit to maintaining their country’s liberty can burn in hades with the socialists who’ve jeopardized our children’s futures.

If you cannot commit several hours per week to maintain the liberty that others afforded you then you by your inaction and silent voice abet those who seek to destroy it.

This is not over. We won the battle of the hearts and minds and still congress trampled over us with an un-Constitutional bill that, for the first time, forces citizens to purchase a product.

We won the battle of persuasion. We’ve won talk radio. We’ve won cable news. We’ve won social media networks. We’ve won the street corners and the community participation and the phone banks and the 11th hour hat tricks. We’re going to win the money battle, next.

We have the Ensuring Liberty PAC, a committee that will give an engine boost and more muscle to the tea party movement by selecting carefully vetted candidates to run these reverse-Elijah Lovejoy legislators out on a rail.

We will plague the Socialists who sold us out, we will end their political careers, we will dog them at their every appearance, their every step, and when they see the yellow of the Gadsen flying uniform in the wind with the American flag they will fear us as a government should fear its people – NOT the other way around.

We will hold every Republican to the fire and so help us if they don’t fight until their last breath to repeal this massive affront to liberty we will burn them in effigy along with the traitors to the Constitution.

We will insert ourselves into every branch and level of public service and devour our party so we will never have to worry about another impotent candidate ascending to power again, so we never again have to worry about being bulldozed by tyrants.

We will bring back the relationship between our churches and temples and the people and fight against the government’s attempt to sever volunteer charity and axe charitable deductions as a way to force more people under its thumb by way of no other options.

We’re going to seek out those small business owners who have spoken up and those who are speaking up, albeit it softly due to fear, and we’re going to bless them with our patronage.

We will modify our strategy and not damage ourselves with an inability to see the forest for the trees or an inability to recognize strategy.We will get off the cutesy little trend of hating the GOP and realizing that while we were drowning in apathy and Paris Hilton, and JLo and whatever mind-numbing vestige of a crumbling society we had people like Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mike Pence, and more battling the demons of the Socialist party.

And what happened? We, myself included, blamed an entire party for leaving the base to which we failed to tether it. Did we fail to realize that had it not been for some people within the GOP, we would already be far more socialist than that which we’re currently facing? We cannot start a new movement by passing the buck. This situation isn’t the fault of the Socialists, the Republicans, the hippies, Heidi Montag, or anyone else.

I am thankful for grace. Credit is due this party for holding rank during this latest legislative battle.

We are responsible for our own vigilance. Do not betray the essence of the movement by denying this responsibility. Do not leave the lions in the party, whose platform best mirrors our own, out to dry. I will fiercely support those who support my freedoms and you should, too. I will fiercely support the best strategy to win.

Don’t ask me to respect the office any longer. Respect is a two-way street and the office failed to respect the will of the American people. I, you, owe “the office” nothing. “The office” works for us. I’m not a serf that must verbally-fellate the office of the presidency just because some hustler managed to twist the arms of weak-willed sycophants into betraying the people whom they are to serve. Don’t snow job me into thinking I’m less of a patriot because I refuse to honor an administration that obliterated the very definition of liberty last night. Don’t be ironic.

I said last July that this is no time for nancies. This is the dawn of the modern-day sons and daughters of liberty. We must heed the call of action and with courageous steps and humble hearts work against tyranny. We will guard our hearts and we will realize that the only fight worth having is a fight on the right side of God. We will not allow our opposition to have the final defeat of using our frustration to make us as they are.

You need to decide right now: will you fight to preserve liberty? Will you give of your time, your money, your passion so that your future generations will benefit? Will you get behind groups like ELPAC, candidates who can best win the race and most mirror our platform? Will you become an evangelist for liberty?

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

– Samuel Adams


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