The Racism of Daily Kos for GOP Candidate Mia B. Love

I was recently informed about a piece by Daily Kos promoting racism versus Republican candidate Mia B. Love.  I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mia in person at CPAC and welcome her campaign to bring conservative values to Utah’s newly formed 4th Congressional District.  Read more about her campaign at Love 4 Utah now.
Me with the awesome Mia B. Love at BlogBash at CPAC 2012.

The Kos piece, written in January 2012, is mentioned in this eye opening piece from 54°40′ Or Fight!

How is it acceptable in our “post-racial” world that Daily Kos promotes and accepts racism? They’re so often featured on MSNBC and other mainstream media outlets as respected and prominent in providing insight into the “state of the union.” Well, Daily Kos does promote racism by stating Mia B. Love is “one of only two African-Americans living in Utah not currently playing for the Jazz.”

WOW.  Just wow.

This is unacceptable and I will not stand for it.

The jig is up, Daily Kos.  We’ve known it all along, but here it is in print.  Maybe you should change your name to Racist Kos because that is what you are by allowing and promoting this type of vile rhetoric.

Here is a screen shot of the post in case Daily Kos tries to cut and run as cowards.  Or maybe they’ll say “he’s not with us” like theOccupy DC protester who hit a police officer in the head with a brick this past weekend.  Yeah, right.

Screen Print from 2-13-2011 of Racist Kos’ piece on Mia B. Love

Please stand with me in voicing your concerns that this racism is unacceptable.  Leave comments, send emails, make phone calls and stand strong against this evil.

If you’re on twitter, please follow @MiaBLove to find out the latest on her campaign.

Also, join me in supporting the 48 Hour Campaign Moneybomb – Love For Love!

If you’re not on twitter or facebook, you may go directly to this link to support Mia B. Love with a personal donation.

Thank you for your support of Mia, her campaign and for joining me in fighting like a girl!

God Bless!


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