'Don't Tread on Me' License Plates One of Most Popular in VA

'Don't Tread on Me' License Plates One of Most Popular in VA

“Don’t Tread on Me” specialty license plates are quickly becoming one of the most coveted tags in Virginia. 

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, “the license plate was approved in 2011 and went into circulation last year,” but among those approved in the past five years, it trails only the “In God We Trust” plate in popularity. According to state figures, “nearly 21,800 Virginia-registered automobiles” have the Tea Party license plates. In contrast, the pro-abortion “Trust Women/Respect Choice” plates adorn about 1,600 vehicles. The Tea Party license plate ranks ninth overall among “more than 200 state-sanctioned specialty plates.”

The Times-Dispatch notes that Virginia is one of six states that has sanctioned the “Don’t Tread On Me” plates and charges $10 for the specialty plates and another $10 for personalized messages. The other five states are Arizona, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. 


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