Chris Christie: How Will Jeb Bush Stand Up To Putin If He Can’t Answer Questions?

New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie speaks at Chabad Ho
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is keeping up his questioning of Jeb Bush’s abilities as a presidential candidate, criticizing his trip to the southern border and his mistakes in the media surrounding “anchor babies.”

Christie indicated that he was troubled after watching the former Florida governor pander to Hispanics by speaking Spanish at the border, but offending Asians at the same time.

“We don’t need a candidate who’s looking backwards who can’t even answer a question on anchor babies,” Christie said in an interview with Fox News host Megyn Kelly. “We need to have someone who is going to be looking forward and doing things the right way. I’m not trying to be coy about it. The fact is that if Governor Bush cannot stand up to answer those questions with two or three tries at it, what’s going to happen when he has to look at Vladimir Putin?”

Christie also criticized Bush as an outdated candidate when it came to securing the southern border.

“I don’t think you do it by doing policies that come out of the 1990’s,” he said. “You know, you need to deal with this problem directly.”

Christie disagreed with Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz’s position that children of illegal immigrants shouldn’t get citizenship. The New Jersey governor says the Constitution’s 14th Amendment does grant those born in the U.S. citizenship.

“Yeah, well, we’re not kicking out American citizens,” he said in response to Kelly about whether he supported the idea.

He argued that stronger border enforcement would prevent the problem of people traveling to the United States simply to get their children American citizenship by birth. When asked if he would forcibly deport some 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, he replied that it would be unlikely.

“There’s not enough law enforcement officers at the local, county, state and federal level to forcibly deport 11.3 million people,” he said.


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