Ted Cruz: Donald Trump Would Allow Deported Immigrants Back Into The US

Republican Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, campaigns at Penny's Diner
AP Photo/Nati Harnik

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says the difference between him and his political rival Donald Trump is that Trump would allow deported immigrants back into the United States.

“He’s advocated allowing folks to come back in and become citizens,” Cruz told a supporter. “I oppose that.”

A transcript of the exchange from Buzzfeed:

QUESTIONER: Both you and Donald Trump are really strong on immigration, but he supports deporting all the illegal immigrants. Are you willing to say the same?

TED CRUZ: Absolutely, yes. We should enforce the law.

Q: All?

T.C.: We should enforce the law.

Q: Ok.

T.C.: And in fact, look, there’s a difference. He’s advocated allowing folks to come back in and become citizens. I oppose that.

Q: So no citizens and all of them?

T.C.: So, if you read I have a very detailed 11-page immigration proposal that’s on my website it’s TedCruz.org. It was designed with Steve King and Jeff Sessions were the two who sat down with me to prepare it and it is enforce the law across the board.


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