‘Discount Venting’ Offered to Stressed CA Beach Town

Tom Costain/Palisadian-Post
Tom Costain/Palisadian-Post

Ronald Reagan lived there. The Beach Boys incorporated it into a song. This is Pacific Palisades. And now this sleepy little beach town nestled against the Santa Monica Mountains is home to the who’s who of celebrity: Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, Goldie Hawn, Conan O’Brien, JJ Abrams, Diane Keaton, Matt Damon, Reese Witherspoon, Bill Hader, Kate Hudson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Chris O’Donnell… to name just a few.

However, despite the high profile nature of the town, its residents’ problems should not be overlooked. At least according, to a satirical advertisement that landed in the Palisadian Post on Thursday. The Ad offers up “Discount Venting for Palisadians” for a bargain price of $57 and promises the attention of a therapist (of sorts) who “understands that a global economic meltdown does not negate the need for self indulgence.”


Jon Stevens, the man offering up his services, makes no promises in terms of results. In fact, he makes clear that he’s not qualified to help. The Ad seemingly attempts to expose a disconnect between the affluent town’s residents and the rest of the world. And for punctuation, the Ad is registered with the Writers Guild of America.

The Ad already got the attention of Palisades resident, Laurie David, Producer of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, and former wife of Actor/Writer Larry David. She tweeted it out to her followers. 

Only time will tell how much Palisadians get off their collective chest… amidst a global economic meltdown.


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