Greta: Sherman Hit on Fox ‘Based on All Anonymous Sources… Everything is Distorted’

Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Greta Van Susteren writes on GretaWire:

In a recent article in New York Magazine, all sorts of stuff is said about Roger Ailes and Fox News Channel.  Rupert Murdoch responded in another magazine, Fortune Magazine and the article is headlined:

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click here to read the article 

I agree with Rupert Murdoch.  In Fortune Magazine, Murdoch  talks about Roger Ailes running the Fox News Channel.  Murdoch’s emphatic ‘bull shit’ should put that issue to rest.

But I have another bone to pick with the article.  It goes to the core of my job and thus how I execute my responsibilities.   Here is an excerpt:

“….Fox isn’t functioning like the disciplined campaign it’s historically been. “There’s no directive on anything,” one anchor told me. “There used to be directives on everything, and now there’s not, which is kind of nice…the source explained…..”  [New York Magazine]

Here are important facts:

First, I have been at Fox News Channel 14 years as of Feb. 4 and Roger Ailes, in all those 14 years, only told me ONE thing to do or not to do.

In 2004, as I was walking into Fox Bureau in DC, I ran into Roger Ailes who is not frequently in our DC Bureau – he is busy running the huge headquarters operation in NYC.  Roger stopped me as we passed through the glass doors and said, “don’t report that the son of Governor Howard Dean – who was then running for President on the Democratic ticket – got picked up for stealing beer.”  I said that I did not intend to, but why?  Roger Ailes said something like, “he is a kid.  You don’t want to ruin a kid’s life.”  I agreed.  Period.  That’s it in 14 years.  (Note, I spent about 7 years at CNN and I never received a directive there, either.)

You can read the rest of the story here.


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