2014: The Big Lie, Nuclear Winter, Grudge Match

Obamacare will be one of the biggest stories of 2014, not about the website. The Obamacare hangover begins on January 1 and lasts all of 2014. 

The big lie of 2013 by Obama (If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor … or … if you like your plan can keep your plan) will affect millions of Americans.

  • Many of the 6 million and growing number of plans that have been cancelled could affect 2 to 3 people per plan and the medical pain for Americans gets worse.
  • Job losses that will grow exponentially when companies prepare for the looming employer mandate.

Iran’s continued enrichment of plutonium which is only used for weapons will result in a Middle East arms race as the Arab spring becomes a Mideast nuclear winter. Look to Saudi Arabia to be among the first in the race.

Obama vs. Clinton grudge match. Benghazi will reemerge and the Obama administration throws Hillary Clinton under the bus to cover the president’s foreign policy failures. The Secretary of State carries out the President’s policies not the other way around. 

On the good side … the economy will do a little better in some areas like energy production not because of, but in spite of the Obama administration. Exploration is growing on private not federal lands. Obama will try to take credit. 


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