Erik Telford

Articles by Erik Telford

Google’s Schmidt Backing Hillary Clinton in 2016

Google’s Eric Schmidt has already picked sides in the 2016 race. Schmidt is hoping to continue growing Google’s influence in Washington and protecting its crony business model through a new conduit: Hillary Clinton.

AP Photo/Jens Meyer, File

Missouri Unions Resorting To Underhanded Tactics To Oppose Right-to-Work

Desperate to hold onto what little power they have left in Missouri, labor unions in the state have launched an all-out PR campaign against right-to-work through cleverly named front groups. By hiding their union ties and the fact that most of their financial support is coming from outside Missouri, these groups create the impression of widespread grassroots movement against right-to-work that in reality doesn’t exist.

Legislation barring unions from charging any fees to nonunion members was approved by the