Marc Aramian

Articles by Marc Aramian

FLORA & FAWNA: 'Gasbags'

WARNING: ‘FLORA & FAWNA’ IS CRUDE (and this is even cruder than the last one) Striving to outdo a rival celebutard at the 2010 Slammy Awards, Flora and Fawna debut a radical new eco-trend: The Booty Blast Blocker which traps

FLORA & FAWNA: Sput Car, Part 2

In “Sput Car – Part 2” (part 1 is here), Flora and Fawna hit Melrose to test drive the latest eco trend in the hopes of being noticed by A-list celebrities. Will their attention-getting plans succeed…or will they backfire with

The Internet Saves The Indie Filmmaker – Or Does It

Much has been made about the democratization of filmmaking. The barriers to entry are gone. Now, with a webcam, 90 minutes of something to say and editing software, you – yes, YOU — can be a movie mogul! Right. True,