Zimmerman's Mother Calls Out Media, Others on Anniversary of Arrest

Zimmerman's Mother Calls Out Media, Others on Anniversary of Arrest

On the one-year anniversary of the arrest of George Zimmerman on charges of second degree murder in the fatal shooting of teenager Trayon Martin, Zimmerman’s mother has released a letter savaging the media’s deceptive reporting of the case, as well as unnamed politicians and activists. 

The letter was released through her son Robert Zimmerman, Jr. who announced it on Twitter:

The Martin / Zimmerman story was complicated by narrative-driven media coverage designed to paint Zimmerman as a racist, which included deceptive editing of audio by NBC; Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC last December as a result. 

Zimmerman has claimed self-defense in the killing of 17-year old Trayvon Martin. The media has been accused of initially ignoring any evidence that would bolster that claim, including photographs showing that Zimmerman suffered a broken nose and multiple head lacerations.

Gladys Zimmerman addressed the media in her letter saying:

From the beginning, this case has been heavily publicized and a false narrative was developed surrounding a very real tragedy when there was little evidence available to the public. It is astounding that despite the vast amount of information and evidence now available that supports George’s self -defense claim, the majority of the media avoids its publication. It is indeed alarming that even more media outlets do not regret misinforming the public and have not taken steps to retract the fabrications they are responsible for perpetuating.

She also addressed activists and politicians:

The media, with the help of social media made it their prerogative to judge and sentence George before and after his arrest. Even members of Congress and self-proclaimed “activists” used and routinely use to this day the term “murderer” when they speak of him – in effect they are re-enforcing the only acceptable judicial outcome in their eyes. Many have seen to it that he be judged by the public, the verypublic they were keen on misinforming.

Although not mentioned in her letter, President Barack Obama took an active role in the Martin story by making a statement at the White House as the investigation unfolded, saying, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Controversial activist Al Sharpton was also involved in the Martin / Zimmerman story and used it whip up racial tensions in the lead-up to the 2012 elections.

As reported exclusively by Breitbart News last year, the attorney for Trayvon Martin’s family, Benjamin Crump, had previously worked with Al Sharpton on another Florida case that involved the death of black teenager and used similar media tactics, including using a picture of the alleged victim as a child to create sympathy.

The complete text of the letter from Mrs. Zimmerman can be read below:


April 11, 2013-Lake Mary, FL 


Dear Friends: Our Mother, Gladys Zimmerman, has written a letter on the occasion of the 1 year anniversary of her son George’s arrest. She has asked me to publish the following letter:

Today, April 11, 2013 is the anniversary of the most unfortunate arrest of our son George. I am writing from my heart and with incalculable gratitude to our family members, dearest friends, and those we have not personally met but who have nonetheless offered their unwavering moral and spiritual support. Those who read this letter should do so of their own free will, and do so because they are interested in its message. If you read this letter with the hopes of finding material to mock or rebuke please stop reading now, because this letter is not intended for you. 

April 11 2012 will be forever remembered by the Zimmerman family as the day the justice system failed us as Americans, and as a consequence an innocent man was arrested for a crime he did not commit,solely to placate the masses. George was charged with murder. By confusing the public and manipulating perception in order to sway the “court of public opinion”, Benjamin Crump & co. finally achieved their “first base” victory. 

A year later, we find ourselves-as Mr. Crump put it-in “third base”posture: we are awaiting trial.Throughout the past year, as evidence came forth and was later published, we have fought at every turn to be certain George is afforded a fair trial and equal protection under the law. It is imperative now more than ever that George receive fair treatment by the judicial system, as this is the quintessential birthright of every American.

From the beginning, this case has been heavily publicized and a false narrative was developed surrounding a very real tragedy when there was little evidence available to the public. It is astounding that despite the vast amount of information and evidence now availablethat supports George’s self-defense claim, the majority of the media avoids its publication. It is indeed alarming that even more media outlets do not regret misinforming the public and have not taken steps to retract the fabrications they are responsible for perpetuating.I remember a year ago, when George was arrested, there wasn’t a television station in the country or a newspaper in circulation that didn’t “break news”of his arrest by placing his picture along with a soundbyte or caption on their airwaves or publications. When George was incarcerated, the food he boughtwas considered “news”,the snacks he ate and even the undergarments he purchased were fodder for even moreabout him. Those days were particularly disheartening and saddened me profoundly, but as a mother I knew that only strength would see us through. There was absolutely nojustifiable reason my son should have been charged for a crimehe didn’t commit andthere was no just reason he should find himself incarcerated either.

The media, with the help of social media made it their prerogative to judge and sentence George beforeand after his arrest. Even members of Congress and self-proclaimedto this day the term “murderer” when they speak of him -in effect they are re-enforcing the only acceptable judicial outcome in their eyes. Many have seen to it that he be judged by the public, the verypublic they were keen on misinforming.

It is for these reasons I share my thoughts and heart with you today. Despite the mythological monster the media created, those who knew George did not abandon him, and those who have become familiar with him throughout the course of this ordeal have prayed daily for him, his wife, his parents and siblings. Without your constant prayer, words of comfort, and endless search for truth-our family would not have made it this far.As we approach June 10, the dateGeorge’strial is scheduled to begin, I want to thank you again for your support and the trust you have placed in George. My son has always told the truth and your trust iswell-placed. The upcoming trial will not disappoint you. The truth will finally be revealed to many, butto some who have always seen through the narrative-the truth George always told will be

Stay vigilant, stay focused on facts and evidence, stay focused on prayer.Pray not only for George and his family but ask God the Father to speak directly to the hearts of tho sewho have mistreated George for far too long.Pray also that an injustice such as this is never again allowed to occur within our great nation.

Thank You, God Bless you all and God Bless your families


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