Eugenicists Rejoice: 53.6% of Babies Aborted in Georgia Are Black

Eugenicists Rejoice: 53.6% of Babies Aborted in Georgia Are Black

In the state of Georgia, black babies are aborted at a rate almost 2.5 times greater than white babies, making up 53.6 percent of the total number of abortions in that state.

As noted by CNSNews, the 2010 Abortion Surveillance report published by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) – the most recent year for which abortion data is available – finds the total reported abortions by known race/ethnicity in Georgia was 31,244. Of that total, the greatest number, 16,738 or 53.6 percent, were black babies.

The number of white abortions in Georgia was 6,908, or 22.1 percent of the total, and the number of Hispanic abortions was 6,138, which is 19.6 percent of the total.

The United States Census Bureau indicates that in 2012, the population of Georgia was 9,915,646, with 6,227,025 whites making up 62.8 percent of the population. Blacks number 3,093,681 or 31.2 percent of the Georgia population, making the ratio of white to black residents two to one.


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