Susan Sarandon: Gov't Tapped My Phone, Wouldn't Let Me Into White House

Susan Sarandon: Gov't Tapped My Phone, Wouldn't Let Me Into White House

Susan Sarandon alleged yesterday at the Tribeca Film Festival that the government had tapped her phone and denied her security clearance to the White House. “We know we’re under surveillance,” she stated. “I’ve had my phone tapped … I was denied a security clearance to go to the White House and I don’t know why.”

Sarandon is a far-left activist who has spent significant amounts of time and money campaigning  for liberal candidates, including President Obama; during the 2008 campaign, she pledged that if Obama lost, she’d be looking to move to Italy or Canada.

If it is true that Sarandon’s phone has been tapped and that she was denied clearance to the White House, the question must be asked: why? There are plenty of extremists who have visited the White House under President Obama.

Perhaps it’s because Sarandon referred to the Pope as a “Nazi.” Perhaps it’s because she suggested that international bodies like the UN monitor US elections. Perhaps it’s because her appearance at the White House would be bad optics for President Obama.

Or perhaps it’s because nobody at the White House has seen Atlantic City.


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