‘Breitbart News Sunday’ on SXM 125: GOP Debate; Ted Cruz the ‘Jacksonian’


On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, host and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow will discuss the most important news of the week. He will be talking about the threat of radical Islam, Sen. Ted Cruz the “Jacksonian,” the Republican presidential debate, and much more.

Breitbart News’ Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will come on the show to talk about Republican presidential candidate Cruz’s “Jacksonian” foreign policy values.

Breitbart News Matt Boyle will talk about the upcoming Republican debate LIVE from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Breitbart’s Julia Hahn will be interviewed on her expose of GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio’s ideas about Muslim immigration.

Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby will talk about how 11,000 illegal alien children have crossed the border in the last two months.

Breitbart News’ Dr. Thomas Williams will come on the program to talk about the Pope.

Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam will be interviewed about National Front and the French elections. He will also talk about the petition to ban Donald Trump in the UK and about the Mosque fire in San Bernardino.

Breitbart London’s James Delingpole will come on the show to talk about the Paris COP21 climate deal.


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