Boehner Endorses Breakfast At A Diner In Esquire, No Mention of Tea

It seems Esquire magazine reached out to House Speaker John Boehner for an endorsement to include in their January issue and Boehner chose having breakfast at a diner.

No word on whether or not Speaker Boehner enjoys a spot of tea with his morning meal. Perhaps not.


By John Boehner

Most mornings when I’m in Washington, I have breakfast at the same place.  It’s a diner.  A joint a few blocks from the Capitol and a few blocks from the basement apartment where I stay in D.C. 

I get up early and go for a walk, and then stop by the diner on my way back to my apartment to read the news on my iPad and a stack of memos to prepare for the day.  It’s a comforting ritual, particularly in the dead of winter.

Ever the politician, Boehner used the meme to connect himself back to his roots in Ohio.

It’s an anchor to my day, a way to feel like I’m home in Ohio no matter where I am.  That’s why I endorse breakfast at a diner. 


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