NC Councilman Who Resigned In Klingon Should Have Used Chinese

NC Councilman Who Resigned In Klingon Should Have Used Chinese

By the time the Klingons arrive to lay waste in glorious battle we may have fallen to the Chinese in economic battle. 

It begins with one word, debt. The current US National Debt stands at $17,314,687,938,331 and growing every second. Indian Trail, NC Councilman David Waddell resigned in Klingon but also due to fiscal irresponsibility and what he saw as runaway development in the town with taxpayer dollars. Waddell, a plumber by trade stated he thought he would be more effective by going to board meetings as a citizen. There is a lesson to be learned here that when operating within the system does not work it is time to get engaged as a citizen.

We borrow as a nation billions of dollars a day from China and let’s not forget that Great Britain and Japan hold a great deal of our public debt. There is a difference that Great Britain and Japan are friendly though at times they must act in their own national interest and against ours economically.

China on the other hand is not a friend though they are bound to us economically. Add to this China’s cyber warfare, aggressive moves in Asia and other areas of the world and only willful ignorance by the political class regardless of party in Washington DC projects the pretense that China is a friend.

More David Waddell’s are needed at all levels of government but all cannot resign. They must fight from within the system.


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