Pro-Romney Super-PAC Spends $20M On Final Ad Buy

Pro-Romney Super-PAC Spends $20M On Final Ad Buy

The Hill:The super-PAC that supports Mitt Romney plans to spend $20 million on its final ad barrage against President Obama before the election. Restore Our Future, which has spent tens of millions of dollars to help Romney’s campaign, will close out its efforts with an ad that says Obama has caused the economy to flatline.

The super-PAC is airing the ad in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — all swing states with the potential to tip the election. The $2.1 million investment in Pennsylvania is notable since it’s the first major buy in the state from either side in weeks.The group also says it’s spending a half-million dollars to target Maine’s 2nd congressional district (the state allocates electoral votes by district), though there have been reports that money is actually aimed at nearby New Hampshire.

Restore Our Future has tried to expand the electoral map for Romney, spending in places where the polls show Obama with a soft lead to see if any states could be made competitive in the final hours.The group is also spending $5 million nationally on a different ad attacking the “new normal” of a weak economy.


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