Woodward: I’ll Release ‘Fear’ Interview Tapes if Someone ‘Denies Something Specifically’

Thursday on “CBS This Morning,” Watergate journalist and author Bob Woodward said he would release the tapes of interviews he did for his book “Fear: Trump in the White House,” if “somebody comes out and denies something specifically.”

Partial transcript as follows:

KING: You are getting denials, Bob.


KING: But you also have tapes. Would you ever release any of those tapes

WOODWARD: If somebody comes out and denies something specifically.

KING: Well, Gary Cohn says it doesn’t portray my experience at the White House.

WOODWARD: That’s what’s called a non-denial denial.

O’DONNELL: Like he doesn’t —

WOODWARD: Is he going to say that that document that’s reproduced in the book —

KING: Would you release tapes?

WOODWARD: Well, if somebody really wants to challenge me, of course, of course. But again, I’ve made agreements with people that these sources are going to remain confidential.

(h/t Grabien)

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