Dershowitz: ‘No Way’ Would I Have Continued Relationship with Epstein if I Knew About the Underage Girls

In an interview which aired Wednesday on CBS’s “This Morning,” Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, a former lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein, defended his relationship with the billionaire, saying he knew nothing about Epstein having inappropriate situations with underage girls.

Dershowitz has come under fire since Epstein’s arrest over the weekend on sex trafficking-related charges for the plea deal made when he defended him in 2008.

“Did you ever see Mr. Epstein with underage girls?” CBS News’ Mola Lenghi asked Dershowitz.

“No. Oh, no,” Dershowitz emphasized. “If I had ever seen Epstein in any inappropriate situation with an underage girl, I would’ve terminated my relationship and turned him in. No way.”

He added, “We were shocked by the allegations, but as a criminal lawyer, being shocked by an allegation doesn’t mean that I won’t defend somebody.”

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