Pirro: ‘Only Constitutional Crisis Right Now Is the Lawless Attempt to Impeach the Sitting President’

Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Jeanine Pirro decried congressional Democrats’ effort to impeach President Donald Trump by likening the proceedings to those in the medieval “star chamber.”

Pirro dismissed Democrat’s claims of Trump being behind a constitutional crisis and said it was instead Democrats creating the constitutional crisis.

“There has been a lot of talk about constitutional crises,” Pirro said. “But the only constitutional crisis right now is the lawless attempt to impeach the sitting president. The effort by the democrats to remove this president without regard to rules, without calling a vote is a reminisce sleight of hand known as the medieval star chamber. The star chamber, of course, in royal palaces, used in abused the arbitrary power in secret proceedings to target enemies, always casting doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings.”

“They ended 400 years ago, or did they?” she continued. “Today our Congress run by radicals resisting the will of the American people, getting revenge whatever way they can has turned her Congress into a star chamber. Their attempt to impeach the president entails no vote, no due process, no right to be present, call witnesses or cross-examine. The president is entitled to nothing. To these radicals, truth is irrelevant. Their mission is to do whatever they can to rid themselves of a man they hate. They lie on the record.”

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