Christianity Today Editor: Trump Is ‘Morally Abusive in a Dangerous Way’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Live,” Christianity Today editor in chief Mark Galli said he wrote the editorial calling for the removal of President Donald Trump because he claimed the president had become “morally abusive in a dangerous way.”

Galli said, “Well, what is different about now is the impeachment hearings probably. It is true that his record of tweets and his choice of people to work for him has been troubling for some months, if not years. But up to this point, it had been my judgment that dealing with Donald Trump is like a woman who’s married to a man who’s verbally abusive, but he’s a great provider and a good father to his children, so she puts up with his loss of temper. She weighs that in the balance and says I can still deal with that. Then the husband turns physically violent, and all of a sudden, the balancing does not make any sense. Even though he is still a provider and still a good father, he has now become physically dangerous. The wisest thing to do is not to balance the books and say the one hand or another but to have him leave the home.”

He added, “Now for Donald Trump for the longest time, I think there was a reasonable case to made to balance the books for Evangelical Christian. I’m passionately pro-life. He’s done some good things for pro-life. I’m passionately for religious freedom. He’s done good things for religious freedom. So a lot of my conservative friends they continue to support him for those reasons. Saying we don’t like his behaviors, we don’t like his morals, but he is doing good things. They are doing balancing things. It is my judgment in the last couple of weeks that balancing no longer works. What we are talking about now is someone who is — one may say to continue the analogy — morally abusive in a dangerous way. The scales don’t work anymore, and it is time for him to leave the house is what my view is.”

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