Zeldin: ‘Hatred’ of Trump Among Dems Has ‘Gotten Worse’

In a Sunday interview with New York AM 970 radio show “The Cats Roundtable,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) sounded off on the treatment of President Donald Trump following impeachment.

Zeldin said that since Trump’s impeachment hearings, the “reality” is that “things have gotten worse” when it comes to the Democrats’ “hatred” of the president.

Host John Catsimatidis asked, “Since the end of the impeachment hearings, [are] the GOP congresspeople and the Democrats getting along better?”

“I wish I could say yes,” Zeldin replied. “Unfortunately, the reality of where we’re at right now while there’s more bandwidth, more oxygen to talk about other topics, the hatred that Democrats have toward the president, the animosity, the opposition, the resistance, the obstruction … in a way, you could say that things have gotten even worse because now you have more of that heightened sensitivity to the elections that are coming up.”

According to Zeldin, Democratic members of Congress could be wary of “being caught working with Republicans” or with Trump in fear of losing out on voters.

He advised, “If you’re in a Democratic primary for Congress and someone is running to your left, the worst thing … for your voters’ minds may be for you to get caught working with Republicans, working with the president. So, that factor’s at play.”

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