Carville: We Will Know Biden Is the Winner ‘Fairly Early on Election Night’

Democratic strategist James Carville said Thursday on MSNBC’s post-presidential debate analysis that America will know former Vice President Joe Biden has won the presidency early on election night.

Anchor Brian Williams said, “The last time you were on our fair broadcast you made a lot of Democrats nervous when you predicted maybe even 10:30 Eastern time on election night we would have an early call and early night. Do you still contend that could happen, and what do you make of what you’ve seen out there?”

Carville said, “I do think that. I think we’re going to have a good idea of it fairly early on election night. Look, you know, the problem is President Obama said yesterday that Biden doesn’t just have to win, he’s got to win by more than just a little bit. And right now I honestly think we’re on track to do that. I thought that the whole time. But, you know, when the facts change, I’ll change my mind. But I defer on this because the facts haven’t changed.”

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