Jim Jordan: Democrats Are Always ‘Critical’ When We Call for Election Integrity

Thursday on Newsmax TV’s “John Bachman Now,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) sounded off on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Arizona law that bans ballot harvesting and a policy that throws out ballots cast by voters in precincts in which they do not reside.

Jordan argued that Republicans want everyone who wants to vote and is eligible to be able to vote. He accused Democrats of being “critical” toward election integrity.

“Democrats are always critical whenever we want real integrity in elections, and we want a safe and secure election,” Jordan declared. “We want everyone to vote who wants to vote and everyone who’s allowed to vote, everyone is eligible to vote — all legal votes, we want all of those, but we want it done in a safe, secure legal fashion, and Democrats always attack that. I do think it’s interesting, though, that this week you had in New York 137 something thousand ballots that were test ballot somehow get counted. And, oh, the press is all this is big news and everything, but it’s not. It has nothing to do with what happened in 2020.”

“I mean, it’s just amazing to me to see how the left-wing press what they will say about this, but that should cause us all you know to step back and take notice of this. And again, it’s why we want to get to the bottom of everything that happened in the 2020 election to make sure we have integrity in our processes as we move forward,” he concluded.

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