Kinzinger: Not Calling for Biden Resignation, Impeachment for ‘Bad Decision’ on Afghanistan

Friday on “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) pushed back against calls from his colleagues for President Joe Biden to resign over his mishandling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

Despite the mismanagement by Biden leading to 13 U.S. service members being killed and multiple others being injured in a terror attack in Kabul, Kinzinger, who voted to impeach President Donald Trump over the January 6 Capitol riot, said he doesn’t think it’s time to call for Biden’s resignation nor should he be impeached.

“I do believe some people on [Biden’s] national security team should resign. That’s up to them, and it’s up to him. But no, I mean, look, we impeach presidents for high crimes and misdemeanors. This is a very bad decision,” Kinzinger explained. “Other presidents have made bad decisions, but I’m not going to call on the president to resign for this nor to be impeached.”

“Look, we need some stability in our government, and we’ve gotten to this back and forth where it’s just constant battle of power, who can take over next year, instead of looking at this country needs some real help. We need actually grown-up politics for once and not just kind of next-day news cycle politics,” he concluded.

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