Democrat Mark Kelly Objects to GOP Opponent Blake Masters Calling Abortion ‘Demonic’

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) took issue with his opponent Arizona Republican U.S. Senate nominee Blake Masters’ stance on abortion.

Masters had once called abortion “demonic,” which Kelly said was a mark against his GOP opponent.

“Well, with the Supreme Court, women, you know, across the country have essentially lost their constitutional rights,” Kelly said. “They’ve lost their liberties. You combine that with what the superior court judge did here in Arizona, and women in Arizona are in a horrible position. And my opponents, Blake Masters, I mean, he calls this demonic. That abortion is demonic, a religious sacrifice. And he wants to go further. I mean, he wants to punish — these are his words, Lawrence — he wants to punish the doctors.”

“I mean, that’s where we are in the state of Arizona,” he continued. “So yes, you’re right — I mean, there’s — you know, abortion is supported by the majority of Arizonans.”

“And, you know, I just had a grandchild — one of my daughters lives here in the state of Arizona, my grandchild does,” Kelly added. “And to think that they will grow up with fewer rights than my mother had than my mother? I mean, that is unacceptable. We have to do something about it. That’s why this is so important, that this election that I’m successful, and then can continue to fight to get these rights back for Arizona women.”

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