CBS’s O’Keefe: Biden Family ‘Hasn’t Recognized’ Hunter’s Child, But POTUS Won’t Say More ‘Until He’s Cornered by a Reporter’

On Wednesday’s edition of CBS’s “America Decides,” CBS News Senior White House and Political Correspondent Ed O’Keefe said that there is still an issue with President Joe Biden’s grandchild fathered by Hunter Biden “that the Biden family hasn’t recognized and has yet to be settled as well.” But President Biden probably won’t say anything more about the issue “until he’s cornered by a reporter on it at some point, again, if at all.”

O’Keefe said that President Biden’s approach is “to not say much of anything at all” in public about Hunter Biden, and that the President’s statement that he’s proud of his son is “about all we’re going to get from him until he’s cornered by a reporter on it at some point, again, if at all. The White House understands it’s a personal, a family matter, not only a five-year legal ordeal that may or may not be over. There may be other legal matters that we just don’t know about quite yet. There is an issue also, frankly, with Hunter’s, I guess for lack of a better term, love child, frankly, with a woman in Arkansas that the Biden family hasn’t recognized and has yet to be settled as well. So, that one remains out there as well. And it all speaks to the personal issues that Hunter has faced that the President is especially sensitive to, as any parent would be for their child. So, that’s the way the White House treats this.”

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