The False Hope of 'American Idol'

Whilst basking in the creature comfort delights of their Hollywood stardom, movie stars and rock stars tend to appeal to the materialistic desires of the high school set. Kids please; think again. For every George Clooney that makes it, 10,000 Brad wannabes think: hell if he can do it, so can I. Probably not. These success stories are not the norm, kiddies, they are the mega-millions lottery winning few. Fortune and pure luck play a large role in the selection of the famous.

For every star you see on TV or in a flick, remember there are 10,000 or more with no hope of a future. “American Idol” itself serves up the false hope burger to countless teens. It’s okay if it just ends in disappointment, but the real problem is when you toss away school, and think, “It’s my destiny… I’m gonna be famous.”

In this economy kiddies, Mommy and Daddy’s credit limit might be getting a bit maxed out. So it’s time for plan “B” my young friends!

Want that new GSX for graduation? Dream on dudes! Had your heart set on the Aspen snow this season? Tough crap, Chad! How about shoveling your neighbor’s driveway for 5 bucks, Todd? That spring break vomit-fest might have to be called off this year too, Dylan!

WAKE UP KIDS, it’s really time to buckle down. You are all fortunate enough to be endowed with a wonderful public education (save the leftist political brainwashing), so it’s time to take stock of that and realize you can no longer afford to just walk through it. This economy and a very competitive job market will demand much more than just passing your SAT and getting some “sick” scores on Wii.

You have to have the drive and purposefulness of a leader, and the thing you are leading is your own destiny. The fat times are gone, so put down the PDA and pick up a chemistry book. Ditch the ear hoops and cram some trig. Or hell, what about an old-fashioned trip to the library?

Sorry Jake, you can’t all party like rock stars. Oopsie Sasha, “American Idol” isn’t calling for you. Who the hell is gonna build our bridges, fight our fires, and adjudicate trials for the real out of control rock stars? America needs you!

We need doctors, teachers, scientists, engineers, policeman, firemen and every great job that builds and maintains a society. We don’t need any more out of control brats thinking they are entitled to be the next big thing.

Billy Joel once called stars, “just a big ball of gas.” I think he was referring to the West Coast variety as the East Coast stars, like him, get to camouflage a bit in their more common-man type affectations, but I digress. Let’s try to take his point seriously.

We can’t all be holier than thou types, insulating ourselves with political correctness whilst looking down our noses at lowly conservatives. Hell no! That job is for the ‘privileged’ few (and quite frankly, if SAG keeps it up, they will all be fighting amongst themselves real soon, anyway).

In these times kiddies, if you really want to be a star, the one that will shine the brightest will be the star who can navigate these scary economic times to a fine job and lasting career.

You think that’s boring, Josh? There is nothing boring about sweating a mortgage payment, or a sleepless night worrying about how to make the health care payment. Rethink boring, Trevor.

And Danielle, stop with the clothes change every five minutes. Your parent(s) are paying for that. And Cameron, pick up your underwear, it’s getting old.

Most of all kids: STAY THE HELL OFF MY LAWN!


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