Debating Leftists is Like Debating Charles Manson

Keith Olbermann’s recent hour-long commentary was quite revealing. Like Michael Moore’s “capitalism hasn’t done anything for me” comment, the outpouring of support and sympathy for serial pedophile and admitted rapist Roman Polanski, and President Obama’s shenanigans at the U.N. and G-20, it drove home a simple, powerful point…

These people don’t know what they are talking about.


They do not know their kiesters from a hole in the ground. They are a few fries short of a happy meal and a few cards short of a full deck. Their phasers are permanently set on “clueless.”

Once you come to this realization, as many of us have, you are forced to approach their ideas and spokespeople from a position of reality. Not from some sanctimonious position of civility and “debate.”

For an actual debate, two things are needed. One, there must be a logical and factual distinction between two separate positions. Two, there must be equally matched participants, each one prepared and versed enough to intelligently present their side of the issue.

We don’t have that. We have one group of people who live in a fantasy world, full of twisted facts, backwards logic and wishful thinking. You can’t debate that. There is no factual, honest, or logical way to support their positions. It’s like arguing the best way to take a cross-country trip with a delusional Dungeons and Dragons geek. You want to reroute to avoid traffic on the I-10. He wants to “avoid the realm of the Bugbears.”

The other side of the “debate” isn’t operating in the same reality. They do not operate in reality at all.

Michael Moore has no business lecturing anybody or making any film about “capitalism” because he can’t even define the word. He doesn’t understand what capitalism is!


Moore grew up middle class in Flint, Michigan. He wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Under a Socialist system, the young Moore would never have been able to grow (and I mean really grow) into the ultra-rich toast of Hollywood who has a net worth in excess of $50 million. The jarring juxtaposition of the bloated, classless Moore, with his mustard stained T-shirt, Midwestern droll, and soiled baseball cap, noshing in swanky Manhattan eateries is a snapshot of Capitalism in action.

There should be no irony in Michael Moore making a film called “Capitalism: A Love Story.” Michael Moore should love Capitalism as much as he loves White Castle slyders.

Similarly, Olbermann’s diatribe was a brave stand against…death? You know, that inevitable thing that happens to all of us. Somehow, he managed to make the leap in logic that government-run health care is some sort of magical insulator protecting us from the Grim Reaper. It doesn’t make sense.

They stopped making sense awhile ago.

Imagine, if you will, a group of people who state that clouds are made of cotton candy. Children love cotton candy. In the sky, there is an unending supply of the sticky treat. To harvest the cotton candy, we must spend billions of taxpayer dollars to create machines that pluck the confection from the heavens. We must do this for the children.

“Ludicrous” states half of the population. Clearly, clouds are not made of cotton candy. In fact, we know exactly what clouds are made of. We also know the exact ingredients in cotton candy. The two are completely unrelated. Recipes and scientific data are presented to prove the case. To build a machine to collect non-existent cotton candy is a waste of money and resources.

The cotton candy cloud advocates respond. Anybody who claims that clouds are made of water vapor must want to hoard the cotton candy. They must benefit from the sales of cotton candy. Having free cotton candy would destroy their merciless pursuit of profits.

Oh, and obviously, they hate children and are probably racist.

This is what we are dealing with.


By acknowledging and accepting these laughable, false and dangerous ideas as simply “the other side” of a logical debate we bestow a validity to them that is unwarranted and ultimately unfair. I scoff at people like David Frum who call for civility and intellectual debate.

Who do we debate? Where are the other intellectuals?

Debating leftists is like debating Charles Manson. It’s crazy talk. When you debate a leftist you never get to debate the policy. You debate their intended outcomes and their perception of who you are. That’s a serious lapse in logical and critical thought.

World peace? An end to poverty? Proper medical care for all? Equal opportunity for all men and women? I agree. Great. Fine. We all want that. Appeasement? Wealth redistribution? Government controlled economy? Pre-occupation with race and gender? Whoa. Wait a second, how does that work? How do those policies equal those results? When has that ever worked?

President Obama is fond of saying “the debate is over.” My question is, when did it really start?

Many on the right are concerned with the “fringe.” They worry that people like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck turn the discourse into a circus. Have they not been paying attention? Was the decision to elect Obama based on his experience, policy ideas or general grasp of the issues? Or was it based on entertainment and feelings?.

Those who call for the reincarnation of William F. Buckley to do battle with intellectual lightweights like David Shuster and Paul Krugman do not understand the Twitterverse in which we live. They ignore decades of indoctrination through public schools, universities, and Hollywood. Presenting entertaining, emotional, and “relatable” personalities is the only way to convert a populace conditioned to think that conservatives are cold, greedy, and uncreative.

James O’Keefe dressed like Superfly and Hanna Giles in that skirt are more effective than hundreds of Heritage foundation studies.

So I say crank up the Rush Limbaugh, stick Glenn Beck in a cage with some lions and put Sarah Palin on the trapeze. Let the circus begin. I’ll be first in line to buy a ticket.

I know Joe Biden already owns clown shoes.


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