An Olden Spell


Ogden Nash

My son Matthew wasn’t all that impressed by the Ogden Nash poem, Roundabout. Aside from Nash’s slapstick turn on human divinity:

You may think of yourself as an immortal creature

But you’re just a cartoon

Between a double feature!

Nash appeared to be, at least in my son’s opinion, almost unworthy of Lena Horne’s attention.

I’m sure, when he hears Vernon Duke’s musical setting for these words, wallows in Ms. Horne’s loving rendition and Michael Renzi’s piano accompaniment, he might reconsider.

My personally favorite phrase in Roundabout is:

For an olden spell

Is wound about The Game!

There’s medieval magic to an incantation like “olden spell.

And The Game?

Is it Life?

Is it Love?

Is it God?

Or is it all three?!

Or is it the Devil??!!

My own last turn of phrase like that is Teachable Tyranny.

There’s a certain timelessly contemporaneous to Teachable Tyranny, don’t you think?

Barack Obama’s “teachable moments” evolving into an eternal theme of oppression?

This phenomenon, according to Mark Steyn’s preface to The Tyranny of Nice, has been engraved into Canadian life for decades.

I had remarked on the similarities in an earlier editorial comparing Obama and the legendary Canadian, Prime Minster Pierre Trudeau.

That’s the “enlightened” magic of “despots,” to steal Voltaire’s most brilliantly descriptive indictment of his own contemporaries.


Put them all together and you have “the teachable tyranny of enlightened despots.

That, I do believe, defines the Obama White House.

Now better known as Chicago’s Obama Nation.

The President and Henry Kissinger’s Harvard comes to mind, of course.

Then Yale and it’s Medieval sounding Brotherhood, Skull and Bones, which played host to both the Bush and Clinton families.

This is the Ivy League part of America’s own “olden spell.”

The one that has been “wound about” the White House for over one hundred, very Progressive years.

The Political Game in the United States has been elevated into the higher regions of a godless solar system known as the American Elite.

And we now live in the very Czardom, or rather Monarchy we disposed of at the end of the 18th Century.

The “enlightened despots” of the human race eternally creep back to repossess what they have repeatedly lost to America’s eternally disturbing and unrelenting notion of human equality.

Not to mention “inalienable rights.

An American’s right to life disposed of by the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade Decision of 1973.

An American’s right to freedom disposed of by the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision of 1857?

Of all the branches within the American government that Thomas Jefferson distrusted most, it was the Supreme Court.


Long before Glenn Beck was to chart the history of the Progressive Movement on television, our third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, rather like President Eisenhower’s warnings about the “Military-Industrial Complex”, pointed to the Supreme Court’s inherent elitism as the weakest link in the Constitution’s architecture for a limited government.

What about the Supreme Court’s decision to sterilize a woman they considered “unfit”?

Buck v Bell, 1927.

Ah, the Teachable Tyrannies of the American Elite!

Instead of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Elite have sold Americans the illusions and delusions of a Two-Party System!

The Bipartisan Elite really don’t disagree much about one thing: Who is going to be in charge?!

And remain in charge!

Why, the Bipartisan Elite of course!

The Main Stream Media’s repeated attention to how close Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush have remained for all these years is a dangerously mixed message.

The similarities in their educational years, Yale University in particular, are … well … I’m sure you’re catching on to The Game.

The Bipartisan Elite have been particularly shocked into unseemly abusive language about Sarah Palin!

I must say, with the same unseemly style, that this quintessentially American Goddess of Common Sense is ripping vast “new ones” in the rear end of the Bipartisan Elite.

She’s fourth in the American Popularity Poll For Presidential Candidates and rising steadily with each new disaster in the Obama Nation.

Is she proving to be, as I had predicted, our own Joan of Arc and Maggie Thatcher combined?

I certainly hope so.

It is going to take Ordinary Miracles such as Christopher Coleman to pull us out of these Progressively homicidal and suicidal efforts to create a Marxist New World Order.

We must, in short, become The New World Order’s Vietnam!


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