Unlike Obama, Charlie Sheen Really is 'Winning the Future'

At the State of the Union address, our President attempted to recapture the magic of “Yes, We Can” by coining the phrase “Win the Future.” His path to victory included high speed rails, more wealth redistribution, more powerful unions, and less civil liberties.

Charlie Sheen has different ideas.

It’s early March, but I don’t think it’s too soon to declare 2011 “The Year of Charlie Sheen.” That may actually prove to be an understatement. Decades from now, our president, “The One,” will be a mere footnote, while Charlie Sheen will have volumes dedicated to his historical impact.

Charlie Sheen’s recent monologues and interviews, dubbed “meltdowns” by the press, have illuminated the conflicts in our culture and society. It is a tipping point in our culture. Let’s examine how, shall we?

Group Think is the New Normal

Despite all their ramblings about “freedom” and “democracy” and “individuality”, Hollywood, the left, and the youth of our nation represent the biggest bunch of robot clones to ever walk the face of the earth. We’re supposed to think that Charlie boy is “crazy” because….why exactly? He’s absolutely correct that he is the reason for his show’s success. He really does turn their “tin cans into gold.” He’s worth every cent that he’s paid. No, he’s “crazy” because he gets on T.V. and has the balls to admit that. His hilarious, megalomaniacal rants are downright refreshing. Charlie Sheen sounds like an Ayn Rand character written in the vernacular. It’s like a Howard Roark speech written by Hunter S. Thompson. No wonder the left, who is so quick to champion “rebels” like that tool Alan Grayson or Michael Moore, is doing its best to minimize and marginalize Charlie Sheen. Yes, he is worth the money. Yes, he is incredibly talented. Yes, he can do more blow than the average human. Yes, he can simultaneously satisfy two porn stars. He is probably better than you and he’s willing to say that. How dreadful. Charlie Sheen is a true rebel. Instead of attacking “soft targets” like Christians, Sarah Palin, and “Islamophobes,” he really is “speaking truth to power.”

Producer Chuck Lorre’s response to Sheen perfectly delineates the conflict between the faux intellectual, Borg-like automatons, and the free thinking members of our society who understand the principles of America. It is so incoherent, so pretentious , and so full of New Age gobbledegook that after reading it I could only think of one response: F@*K YOU.

We Have A New Definition of Crazy

How can any rational person look at the situation and declare that Sheen is completely off his rocker, yet accept the majority of statements that spew out of the mainstream media? How is anything Charlie Sheen has said any more insane than the average Paul Krugman column? I ask you, honestly, what’s more crazy, asserting that flying around the world in a private jet with a stock of “hotties” and blow is “winning,” or that we simply didn’t dump enough money into the “stimulus”? Talk of “warlocks” and “Vatican Assassins” is kooky, but vast conspiracy theories about the Koch brothers is a mark of intellectual superiority? Who’s the Nutter, the guy who declares that most men would love millions of dollars a week and their own harem, or the guy who calls the Muslim Brotherhood a “secular organization”? THE WORD MUSLIM (a religion) IS IN THEIR FREAKING NAME!!!!! My question is, when are we going to send in the worry police to analyze Rachel Maddow’s mental state? Where’s the CNN special to diagnose exactly which mental illness Keith Olbermann has? And when will child services sweep in and take Sasha and Malia to a safe haven, because their parents have clearly lost it.

**NSFW Video**

Every “ism” is a Joke

Charlie Sheen allegedly threatens to cut off his wife’s head and it makes the yahoo news headline. A “moderate Muslim” actually beheads his wife and it’s up to a bunch of random conservative bloggers to push the story into the mainstream. Charlie Sheen locks a porn star in the bathroom after she tries to jack his Rolex and it warrants round the clock coverage. Do you know what a woman in Saudi Arabia calls being verbally abused by men, roughed up, and locked in a room? Tuesday. Yet, the “feminists” in the media who are so quick to warn us about glorifying Sheen are willfully blind to the plight of women in Islamic countries. Sheen has decided to live a polyamorous lifestyle. Where are the pronouncements that his “coming out” are inspirational? Why is he not a trail blazer, yet actors who come out as gay are? Either we follow some sort of guideline for society or we don’t. If it’s not based on Judeo-Christian morals then what is it based on?

You guys know me. I don’t care what you do in your bedroom. That’s your deal. But I think the culture warriors are a total joke for not walking the walk when they talk the talk. Same thing for all the race hustlers out there. Charlie Sheen merely calls his boss by his birth name, and because it’s Jewish, he’s clearly an anti-Semite. Of course, these same folks ignore the hate spewed by politicians and world leaders, stuff that’s real anti-Semitism, but they are so quick with a letter to condemn the “coded” racism of people’s statements. “Fools and trolls” I believe is the term Sheen uses, and he’s right. All these self-righteous practitioners of “feminism” and “multi-culturalism” and those who fight “racism” whenever and wherever they find it have been revealed as frauds. Any feminist who wastes valuable space on the pages of the New York Times ranting about “privileged, rich white men” while women are brutalized and marginalized around the world is a joke.

A funnier joke than any tin can Chuck Lorre ever wrote.

As a fellow “gnarly-gnarlington” I have to emphatically state that violence against women is clearly conduct unbecoming. That’s a big thing to overlook, so I refuse to embrace all aspects of “The Sheen’s” behavior. But I will say that in many ways he is showing us the path out of the doldrums and shining a light on a brighter future. Charlie Sheen doesn’t want anything from you. Charlie Sheen doesn’t put his fate or livelihood in the hands of the state, or a union, or another human being. He believes in Charlie Sheen. He’s taken his natural talents and worked really hard at honing them and profiting from them. He’s taken that profit and decided to spend in a way that he sees fit. I’m not going to judge him and claim to know that he’s really a sad clown putting on happy make-up. His happy make-up is cocaine and hot chicks. I have enough experience with those things to know, in fact, that they do produce a considerable amount of happiness.

[youtube B3QpARuAVSI nolink]


It’s so refreshing to see people on Facebook and Twitter echoing Sheen’s catchphrases instead of empty leftist garbage. They’re not using his terms in reference to him, but in reference to themselves. And that’s the key. We’ve been beat down for far too long into accepting that union membership and a middle class pension is the pinnacle of success or that there is some achievement or superiority associated with being a victim.

“The Sheen” calls his path “Epic” and “Winning.” It used to be called the American dream. Believe in yourself, take responsibility for your actions, and deal with the repercussions of your decisions; both positive and negative. Watch how the fools and trolls react to the man and you can see their true motivations. Those people are not merely against Charlie Sheen, they’re against the American Dream.

Follow his lead and start “winning.” Charlie Sheen clearly has this down, bro. What about you?


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