Report: Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal Raids

Via Andrew Lawton at Landmark Report:

One of Gibson’s leading competitors is C.F. Martin & Company. The C.E.O., Chris Martin IV, is a long-time Democratic supporter, with $35,400 in contributions to Democratic candidates and the DNC over the past couple of elections (though, to be fair, he did donate a whopping $750 to Republican Congressmen in the 90s.) According to C.F. Martin’s catalog, several of their guitars contain “East Indian Rosewood.” In case you were wondering, that is the exact same wood in at least ten of Gibson’s guitars.

If true, it add another piece to an increasingly disturbing puzzle.

You can listen to Gibson CEO (and Republican supporter) Henry E. Juszkiewicz’s interview with Dana Loesch here.

You can listen to the collective music world’s outcry over this seemingly partisan witch hunt being conducted by The Man here.

Cowards all.


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