Jon Stewart Latest to Attack Rupert Murdoch for Saying Muslims Should be Held Accountable for Muslim Acts

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The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart became the latest celebrity to climb aboard the anti-Rupert Murdoch bandwagon Monday night by referring to the media magnate as “his excellency from the republic of Media Conglomistad.”

The Comedy Central host joins Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling, and Parks and Recreation cast member, Aziz Ansari, in condemning Murdoch for declaring that Muslims hold themselves accountable for stopping Islamic jihad.

Stewart slammed the 21st Century Fox CEO for stating on Twitter that while most Muslims were peaceful, they should be held accountable “until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer.”

“Moderate Muslims, until you have completely wiped Islamic extremists from this earth, this s–t’s on you,” Stewart mockingly said.

Stewart continued his verbal assault, sarcastically insisting the media head believes everyone in a group should be held accountable by its peers, “except if the criminal acts are newspapers hacking dead people’s phones, and if the head of that newspaper company is Murdoch himself.” This is likely a reference to Rebekah Brooks and the phone hacking scandal that shut down the News of the World publication.

Murdoch originally tweeted this response to the terrorist attack against French satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, which left a dozen people dead at the hands of Islamist Jihadists:

Rowling responded to his statements with a few of her own, early Sunday, tweeting, “I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I’ll auto-excommunicate.” She continued, saying, “The Spanish Inquisition was my fault, as is all Christian fundamentalist violence. Oh, and Jim Bakker.”

Ansari also chimed in Sunday night with a series of tweets directed at the CEO, saying, “you’re already a vaguely evil media conglomerate guy and THEN you’re ALSO racist? FOR REAL?! You’re an evil overachiever!”


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