Doorbell Camera Captures Snake Biting Visitor’s Face

Jerel Heywood was visiting his friend’s Lawton, Oklahoma home when an aggressive reptile

Jerel Heywood was visiting his friend’s Lawton, Oklahoma, home when an aggressive reptile surprised him at the door.

The snake was coiled around the porch light just above Rodney Copeland’s front door and struck at Heywood’s face as he entered. Heywood immediately yelled, “Quick, take me to the hospital” as he rushed inside. Copeland’s wife began screaming as well, drawing the attention of a neighbor, who rushed over with a hammer to bludgeon the snake to death.

“I was in shock,” Copeland said. “That could’ve been any one of us.” He and his wife rushed Heywood to the hospital, where they received the first good news of the day: despite its painful bite, the five-and-a-half-foot snake was not, in fact, venomous.

Heywood emerged from the attack with little consequence. “No stitches, thankfully, but they cleaned me up pretty good,” Heywood told FOX 40. “I am on antibiotics.”

His friend, however, is taking no chances. Copeland believes his unwelcome serpentine guest was taking refuge from the recent heavy rains. He intends to stop further incursions by spraying his property with sulfuric acid. “I hear [snakes] don’t like that,” he said.


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